Discarded Marathon Clothes Add to Our Stores

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BMarathon2 2013In October 2013 Routes to Roots added a large quantity of suitable clothing to our supplies by collecting tops and trousers discarded by runners at the start of the Bournemouth Marathon.
BMarathon6 2013GSI Events, organisers of the Bournemouth Marathon Festival, invited R2R to collect clothing left at the start pens by some 6,000 runners in the half-marathon and full marathon. This involved a pre-dawn start for the volunteer collectors, wearing hi-viz vests, who picked up and then sorted numerous bags of clothing. In addition £37.50 was added to our funds from selling unwanted items to Cash for Clothes – this was immediately used to buy storage equipment for the space kindly donated us by our supporter Big Yellow. Many thanks to our R2R volunteers, staff and family members, students from Bournemouth University.