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Whilst the previous year saw a 67% increase in membership the current year just ended has only maintained the numbers we achieved then – rising by just one member. The mix of members has changed with some falling away but with new members arriving on the scene. We are issuing the AGM pack to all previous and existing members and sincerely hope that some of those who have not maintained their membership will now come back to us. We have now made it possible for people to join and pay for membership via our website and we are also offering the possibility of using Standing Orders to make the process more automatic. Efforts to increase the number of people joining R2R will continue.

Changes to the Organisational Structure of R2R

Last year I reported on the proposed changes to the organisational structure. Unfortunately we are still waiting on the Government to finalise their requirements. The Charity Commission has already drawn up draft templates for the official documentation that will be required but final versions cannot be issued until the Government give the go ahead. The Board of R2R have agreed to change to the association model for Charitable Incorporate Organisations as this provides for voting members other than the trustees and is therefore the closest fit to the current Routes to Roots Constitution.

When the Government make their decision, it will be necessary for Routes to Roots to set up and register the new Charitable Incorporated Organisation and then transfer all the workings of the existing charity to the new CIO. When this happens there will be a few changes in the way that Trustees serve and are re-elected, so that only a percentage retire at any one time. This will give greater stability to Routes to Roots. The following provides a brief overview of this new organisational status:

  • As a CIO, Routes to Roots will be able to own property, employ staff and enter into other contracts in its own name rather than in the names of the Trustees.
  • Members of a CIO may have either no liability or limited liability for its debts.
  • Members of a CIO, because they have additional legal protection, must comply with extra regulations.
  • As a CIO, unlike a company, Routes to Roots will not have to register with Companies House.
  • CIOs will not be fined for administrative errors like late filing of accounts, but some breaches of the CIO Regulations are legal offences.
  • As a CIO Routes to Roots will still be required to produce accounts as we do now.


Finally I need to report that Lynn Foster has retired from her post as Administrator for Routes to Roots. Lynn has been a fantastic colleague and friend. She has on many occasions worked above and beyond the requirements of her admin post and we thank her for all her hard work and wish her a very happy and long retirement. Lynn has not left us entirely I’m glad to say as she will still be volunteering with us and is particularly looking forward to taking on the administration of the Routes to Roots Befriending Scheme when this is launched later in the year.

I now have great pleasure in welcoming Caroline Foy on board with Routes to Roots as our new Administrator. Caroline started with us at the very end of March and managed a brief handover period with Lynn. My thanks now go to Caroline for her hard work in preparing the mailings for the Open House and AGM.

Gabi Sanger-Stevens

Hon Secretary

Routes to Roots

May 2011