Barclays Volunteer Day at R2R

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Rachel Clement, Ben Platts, Alan O’Connor and Dawn Marks from Barclays volunteered with us for a day in July 2012.

In the morning they worked on our new Mobile Library van which was badly in need of some TLC after the heavy downpours of recent weeks/months. There had been some water ingress and there were areas that needed repainting and cleaning up which they helped with.

The afternoon saw them at Big Yellow, who kindly donate storage space to us, where they removed half the contents of the storage unit onto trolleys to release space to put in the two sets of shelving which we had bought.

The Barclay’s foursome split into two teams and competed to see who could get their shelving completed first.

They had lots of fun working out how to put the shelves together – reading the instructions was found to be helpful, as a last resort. There was a lot of laughter throughout.

Once the shelves were ready, they unloaded the trolleys and arranged everything. We now have a much better environment with more space.