Donations in January 2011

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And yes, it has been a great start to 2011. Thanks to all those organisations and individuals who, despite – or maybe because of – the economic situation, have been very generous in their donations and gifts:

  • £3,182 from the Gateway Church – Christmas offering
  • £75 from St Joseph’s – Conference gift
  • £367.28 from St Joseph’s RC Combined School – collection taken following the Christmas production by the first school
  • £55 from Jobcentre Plus Centre – Poole Contact Centre Charity Group – dress down day on 3rd December
  • £52.05 from Morden Village Carol Singers
  • £90.75 from St John’s Heatherlands Carols by Candlelight
  • £806.70 from St Luke’s, share of Christmas collection
  • £225 from Holy Angels
  • £75 from St Peter’s
  • £95.44 from St Joseph and St Walburga
  • And numerous individual donations…

Thank you all so very much – these funds will make a real difference to our continuing work in Poole.