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Take a look at how all these organisations and people have raised money for us. Perhaps you and your friends or work colleagues can do something similar to help or dream up some new activity. We will do all we can to support your efforts by attending, speaking to your group, providing leaflets and banners.
Donations in Money

Bournemouth Marathon Marshal Team, Sector 6: £112.50 from marshal fees

Broadstone URC: £278.74

Event Alchemy: £200 in lieu of Christmas cards

Holy Angels Church: £250

Little Red Roaster: £1019 from auction

Liverpool Victoria: £133.20 in match funding for Roger Bailey

Morden carol singers: £80

Nationwide: £315

Poole Print makers: £59

Rotary Club of Poole Bay: £28.65 from sponsored walk

Sainsburys’ customers: £85 from R2R carol singing

Siemens Poole Community Group: £150 from a Christmas Jumper day

Society of Friends, Poole: £200

St Dunstan’s Church Youth Club: £500 from sponsored sleep-out

St James’ Church, Poole: £500 plus £167 from a concert

St John’s Church, Broadstone: £740

St Mary’s Church, Longfleet: £602

St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, Poole: £302 from their collection

St Michael’s, Colehill: £52

St Paul’s, Canford Heath (youth group): £160 from selling cakes and cards

The Oakdale Team Ministry (St Paul’s, Canford Heath): £413.53

Waitrose customers: £195.66 from R2R carol singing

Roger Bailey: £200 from busking with friends

Tony Ridgway (above left and centre): £975 from Tough Mudder sponsorship

Phill Ricketts & Team Warrior (above right): £527.87 from Tough Mudder sponsorship

Donations in Kind

Big Yellow Self Storage Poole: storage space to the value of £1981/year

Event Alchemy: three filled rucksacks

Fitness First Poole: two boxes of food

Lush: van full of food

Princecroft Willis: 100 wash kits (below)

Roger Bailey and friends: food

Sainsburys: two trolley-loads of food

Easy Fundraising has raised £173.73 for R2R by January from supporters buying through their link.

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Homeless people received their own wash kit this Christmas thanks to the generosity of long-established accountancy firm, Princecroft Willis (PcW), which celebrated its centenary this year.
PcW donated 100 wash kits to Routes To Roots for our clients. The wash kits include a hand towel, comb, roll-on deodorant, soap, toothpaste and a toothbrush.
Nick Love, PcW’s Charity Director (pictured right), said: “Routes to Roots sums up what Christmas should be all about by helping those who are not able to enjoy the festive season with a permanent roof over their head. We’re pleased to play our small part in making their Christmas a little easier.”
Neil Robertson, R2R’s Projects Coordinator (pictured left), said: “This is a very generous gesture and we’re very grateful to Princecroft Willis. The wash kits contain all the items many consider as essentials but to our clients are regarded as luxuries.”

The Daily Echo featured this story on 28 December:>

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R2R carol singers raised £195 at Parkstone Waitrose and £85 at Poole Sainsbury’s from Christmas shoppers. There is still time to support us at Poole ASDA as R2R has been selected as one of its three charities for its customers to vote for using tokens. There are three prizes for the charity: first place, £200 and second and third places, £50. Please spread the word and get people voting for us.

Last, but not least, you can buy online and raise money for R2R at absolutely no cost to you by visiting your favourite retailers through ‘Easy Fund Raising’. Log on to the site, register yourself and the charity, Routes to Roots, that you would like to support and start shopping. Every time you buy from one of the businesses on their list, R2R will receive a percentage of what you spend.

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Little Red Roaster raised a wonderful £1019 from their December Auction in support of Routes to Roots. Their star Auction Lot for a party of up to six people to attend the Handing Over of the Keys Ceremony at the Tower of London attracted furious bidding and finally went for £350. Other lots also proved popular with the bidders. Thank you to Tom and his team and to all those taking part.

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“Your vital input to the lives of homeless people is inspirational, and offers them the prospect of hope and a brighter future.” Words from Martyn Underhill, Police and Crime Commissioner for the Dorset Police force area, following a recent visit to talk with clients and volunteers at Routes to Roots. Rough sleepers is an issue close to Martyn’s heart and he has since visited The Big Issue and the wet house in Bournemouth. He has expressed a wish to return to spend more time with our guys at a Drop-In.

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£350 raised. Eight wines sampled and winning table guessed six correctly. Many thanks to our main sponsors, Poole Sailing, and also to Tescos, Waitrose and Sainsburys in Poole. Meet the panel:

Marcus Mainwaring is an English author and fine wine journalist. He is considered a pioneer presence on the Internet of the British wine writing establishment, having run the website Vine2Wine since 1995. Yes, he was a precocious child. Marcus has published the book ‘Wine: Where Would The WorldWideWeb Be Without It?’ and contributes regularly to publications such as Wines of the Punjab, The Dandy, Wigan Evening Post, Women’s Suffrage Journal and Make Your Own Wine. Last year, Marcus won International Online Writer of the Year at the Dorset IT for the Elderly Awards for his website. Upon accepting the award Marcus is said to have joked, “I deserve it, I am the greatest” – he wasn’t joking. Marcus is resident wine expert on the Hospital Radio Bedside show ‘That’s The Spirit’ hosted by Gary Plummer. He also provides advice for the wine cellar of the young Prince George.

Barry Hogan is an Australian promoter, maker, judge, taster, teacher and drinker of wine. The Alice Springs Companion to Wine writes that he is doing “… more to advance the amount of wine drunk in Australia than any other individual.” Others have referred to him as ‘the godfather of the Australian wine industry’ and ‘Australia’s leading ambassador of wine’. From his vineyard on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Barry has reached the pinnacle of his chosen profession, holding such positions as President of the Chapman River Wine Industry Association; Vice President of the Winemakers’ Federation of Tasmania; member of the strategic Dudley Peninsula Wine Advisory Council, and President of the Down Under Grape Growers Association. He has recently decided to devote his full attention to fulfilling his ambition to get in the Guinness Books of Records for tasting the greatest number of wines in the world. Hence his agreement to join us this evening.

Frau Doktor Magda Burg is a renowned authority on wine tasting and old wines. In 1966 she started her own wine auctions in a Munich beerhouse cellar, which would eventually lead her to trade in and taste a greater number of fine and rare wines than anyone else in the world. Unlike Barry, quality and not quantity is her watchword! Her tasting notes are estimated to number over 90,000 in more than 140 notebooks. As opposed to American wine critic Robert Parker, Magda does not give wines a numerical score, but employs a system that awards a wine up to five grape pips. For 18 years Magda has presented the popular Bremen Broadcasting Ich Liebe Liebfraumilch (I Love Liebfraumilch) television series. The Blue Nun of the German Wine World, as she is sometimes known, is famous for her outrageously abstract descriptions of wine tasting appreciation, often referring to certain wines as reminiscent of pear drops, liquorice and even rubber.

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Christmas WreathBuy a beautiful handcrafted Christmas Wreath for £10 with £2 donated to Routes to Roots. Closing date for orders is Friday 5 December. Wreaths can be collected from Lumin-Essence Candle & Gift Shop, Poole Dolphin Centre (Top Floor opposite Wilkinsons) after 21 November.

Download the order form for more information: Christmas Wreath Order Form _LUMINESSENCE COLLECTION POINT

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In His HandsPlease spare just a moment or two EVERY DAY to PRAY at MIDDAY for the homeless and for those who are vulnerably housed in Poole. Their needs are many and diverse and winter is coming. There are many in our town who are still sleeping rough. They need to be housed and they want to be housed but often there is simply nowhere to house them, even though a recent newspaper report suggested otherwise.

St Paul said: ‘Do not worry about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God’. If you belong to a church or prayer group, please ask them to include us in their weekly intercessions and STOP AND PRAY AT MIDDAY!

PRAY for the homeless, PRAY for Routes to Roots and PRAY that together, and with the power of God’s Holy Spirit within us, we really will be able to do immeasurably more than we have ever hoped or imagined.

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Saturday 15 November, 7.00pm-10.00pm
St Michael’s Church Hall, Blandford Road, Hamworthy BH15 4HR
Tickets: £10 each

Know your Sauvignon Blanc from your Chardonnay, your Merlot from your Shiraz? Routes to Roots challenges people to pit their wits against its panel of Buff or Bluff experts. Join R2R for this light-hearted wine tasting competition while raising money for Routes to Roots:

• Welcome glass of wine or juice
• Eight wines to sample
• Cheese Ploughman’s
• Prizes for winning table
• Raffle

The panelists will provide a highly convincing description including name, country of origin, vintage, price and tasting notes of each wine. However, only one description will be correct. The challenge, should people choose to accept it, is to decide who is the Buff and who the Bluff.

Individuals and teams are welcome: R2R will make up tables of 8-10.

Buy Your Ticket(s) Now at:
or contact the R2R office on 01202 667880

Wine Buff or Bluff