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‘When you did it to the least of these who are my children, you did it to me’. Matthew 25:40

Routes to Roots has existed as a Christian Charity in Poole for nine years and in all that time it has been our aim to remember that the Homeless in Poole are children of God and what we do for them, we do for Him who has called us to continue the ministry that He first started. During these last 12 months we have endeavoured to feed the hungry, whatever their hunger may be; and to clothe the naked, with dignity and self worth. The sick have been visited and we have worked towards bringing release to those who are imprisoned, chiefly by their isolation and social exclusion. All these things make up our Core Work, which includes outreach to rough sleepers and ongoing support for those who have been housed.

Outreach to Rough Sleepers – During the last 12 months R2R have continued to work in partnership with BCHA, to deliver services to the homeless under the name of the Poole Outreach Support Team (POST). The project is managed by BCHA and both providers employ a full time outreach worker based in the Routes to Roots office at The United Reformed Church in Skinner Street. POST work in partnership with the Borough of Poole Housing and Community Services utilising their Rent Deposit Scheme for private rented accommodation and liaising with BoP Brokerage for all Supported Housing. Liz Bailey our R2R Outreach Worker reports that from April 2010 to March 2011, ‘20 people have been housed in Private Rented Accommodation, 8 with Floating Support and 14 have been housed in supported housing. In addition 24 other homeless people have engaged with the service and currently POST are working with 15 people sleeping rough or ‘sofa surfing’ in Poole. We are proud to be part of this service which in a report compiled by the Supporting People Commissioning Manager was described as ‘innovative working between two established providers (BCHA and Routes to Roots) bringing their own expertise to reduce rough sleeping in the borough.’ We are very grateful to the two excellent outreach workers whose hard work and commitment make this service the success that it is and we also thank all those who volunteer to go with them on outreach sessions at 6 am. Your contribution is invaluable. We also continue to be grateful to Skinner Street URC who provide the essential office space for POST in the centre of Poole.

Caring for the most vulnerable – Although it is always our intention to assist those on the streets to find accommodation, whilst there still are people sleeping rough, R2R are committed to providing for their care. Mindful that we were facing a very cold winter we launched an appeal to raise money to provide a cooked breakfast, for those who had spent the night in car parks and doorways etc. We are grateful for the generous response we had to this appeal which paid for around 300 breakfasts over one of the coldest winters we’ve had for some years. Thanks also to the Fishermans Café in Poole who so cheerfully provided them. Food and friendship for those on the streets has also continued to be provided every day through the Soup Runs and Drop Ins. We thank all the churches and volunteers who enable these to continue and to Poole Salvation Army for their Big Breakfast on Fridays and their provision of a much needed shower.

Support, Prevention and Social Inclusion – Our support manager Rob Fish has provided the next level of support which aims to seek out and give help to those who have been housed but are in danger of losing their tenancies. Rob reports that during this last year he has spent much of his time working with clients who are struggling with addictions, listening to them, encouraging them and making sure they attend important appointments, in order to get the help they need and to not lose their housing. Rob is also currently working with Mark Philips of FOOTPRINTS and David King, Pastor of The Vine, to facilitate a ’ Life Recovery Group’ for people whose lives have become unmanageable due to Drug and Alcohol abuse. The idea of the group is to seek help, support and encouragement from both the Bible and the 12 step programme.

Rob has also continued to facilitate a ‘Dialogue group’ on Thursday afternoons. This is a safe space where gradually, participants are able to share their issues and their thoughts and feelings with each other. In this group ‘everyone learns but nobody teaches’. We are grateful to Rob for continuing to go the extra mile.

Afternoon Drop-ins – Because we recognize that problems can arise through social exclusion, boredom and lack of motivation, over the last 12 months we have continued to hold Afternoon drop-ins. Here we provide a place where our clients can come and meet and eat with friends. Here we have caring volunteers who are willing to sit and chat and listen and maybe play table tennis! Although during this last year we have been less able to provide motivational activities, this coming summer Rob will once again be taking a party of enthusiastic clients over to Brownsea Island. Once a week for 6 weeks some of our guys and girls will once again benefit from exercise and fresh air as they engage in this meaningful activity. We are very grateful to Dorset Wildlife Trust for continuing to offer us this wonderful opportunity.

Befriending Teams – Our Pilot Project has come to an end. Once again we thank Kate Mellor from Quaker Homeless Action for choosing us to do this Pilot Project. It proved to be very worthwhile for all concerned. What we have learned from doing this is invaluable and we are now in a much more informed position as we plan to set up a new project to start in the Autumn. It was a great sadness to all of us when earlier this year we heard of the sudden death of Dr John Suffling. John was a much loved ‘Befriender’ who brought to this project a wealth of wisdom and advice. His funeral was attended by many of us from R2R including the man he was currently befriending. His passing is a great loss to us and he will be sadly missed.

Business Matters – Underpinning all of the above are the Trustee and Executive Committee meetings that have taken place regularly throughout the year. I am grateful to my fellow Trustees and Executive committee members who attend often lengthy meetings as we not only plan for the future but also ensure that all day to day activities are discussed and concerns addressed. My thanks go to each and every one of them for the contribution they have made to R2R in this past year. hanks to all of you, the Business plan has been written, policies have been updated, students have been on placement, the website has been updated, books have been balanced and essential funds have been raised!

At this year’s AGM we say thank you to Dick Dyke who is standing down from the executive committee but is remaining as a Trustee. Dick has done a wonderful job producing the rotas for our Evening Drop Ins. This responsibility will now be taken on by our administrator. Also stepping down from the committee but remaining very much involved in R2R is Jeff Williams. We thank Jeff for his ‘hands on’ commitment to the homeless in Poole. Bob Jacob is also standing down from the committee and we thank him for all his work in researching funding opportunities and in supervising students from Bournemouth University on placement with Routes to Roots. Bob too intends to remain involved with us on a volunteer basis.

Earlier this year our Administrator Lynn Foster retired. We say a big thank you to Lynn, not only for her administrative skills but also for the love and support she gave to all of us and to all those in need, whom she embraced with Christian love and prayer. We now welcome Caroline Foy, who has joined the Team as our new administrator. Caroline brings to the team a wealth of administrative skills and a strong faith and desire to make a difference to the lives of the homeless in Poole.

We also welcome Susan Gittins who has joined the team as our Publicity and Press Officer. Susan has much experience in this role which will include producing regular newsletters which will be much appreciated.

Money Matters – R2R is only able to continue the work that God has called us to because of the generous support of all of you who continue to place your trust and money in our hands. We continue to be humbled and encouraged by your faith in us. Whatever the size of your donation R2R thanks you. Please remember whatever you give to the least of these who are His children, you give for Him in whom we live and move and have our being.

I was a stranger and you invited me in – What I have written in this report only scratches the surface of all that is done in God’s name and I encourage you to come to our Open House Days and AGM on June 24th and 25th to find out more.

Please don’t be a stranger to us. Please Come and See, then Go and Tell!

It has been a privilege to Chair this charity for another year and to work with such dedicated volunteers.

Yours in Christ

The Revd Pat Southgate

Chair of Routes to Roots and Chaplain to the Homeless in Poole.

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The Church of the Holy Angels

Lilliput Road, Poole


A Charity Evening of Organ and Vocal Music

(some of which might even be rehearsed!)

Thursday 10th November 2011

at 7.30 pm

Jeff Williams – Organ

Jeanette Hancock – Alto

Carol Langford – Soprano

Tickets £5

Tickets available on the door or from the Parish Office

Nov 11 Flyer HA A5

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The link R2R accounts 10-11 final in this report is the unaudited Receipts and Payments Account and Statement of Assets and Liabilities for Routes to Roots for the year ended 31 March 2011, showing a £3,747 excess of receipts over payments. I hope these will again be audited for us by Mike Bilson. The accounts will be lodged with the Charities Commission as part of our Annual Return by January 2012.

I am pleased to report that our general donations income has continued to increase with significant donations from schools, churches and individuals. Many churches, schools and individuals have also raised funds for us. Thank you to everyone involved.

Individual membership subscription has disappointingly decreased, and I’d like to encourage all members to renew their subscription and see if they can sign a friend up.

Other important sources of funding were grants of Seedbed funding from Bridging Communities and £10,000 from Awards4All; payment from Bournemouth University for providing placements for social work students, and of course the joint POST contract with BCHA from the Borough of Poole.

The increase in operating costs compared with last year is mainly due to having 2 full-time staff for the whole year as well as the part-time administrator. Food costs have of course increased, and costs of renting the hall and the office have also increased to cover increased costs of electricity and heating. We also started to provide a cooked breakfast for rough sleepers in association with the Fisherman’s Café during the cold winter weather, which proved very welcome.

We start the 2011/12 financial year in an uncertain position. The POST contract potentially ends this September, though it could be extended for a further year. I estimate that it will cost about £65,000 to continue all our current work, and without the POST contract and additional sources of funding we will start eating into our reserves.

However we continue to step out in faith that God will provide and have allocated £17,560 of our reserves towards finding a permanent home for Routes to Roots. Routes to Roots needs to continue to draw on local support for its work. If you are aware of any potential new sources of funding, please let me or one of the other members of the Executive Committee have details.

I would like to put on record my appreciation for all of the hard work undertaken by Lynn Foster in maintaining the books for Routes to Roots this year and wish her the best in her ‘retirement’.

Sarah Percy


Routes to Roots

May 2011

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Choral Evensong

Sunday, 7th August, 6:30pm – Wimborne Minster
Monday, 8th August, 6:30pm – St Mary’s, Winterborne Whitechurch
Tuesday, 9th August, 6:00pm – St Mary’s, Sturminster Newton
Wednesday, 10th August, 5:30pm – Sherborne Abbey

The pilgrimage group is made up of young people from St Peter’s and from neighbouring churches.  We aim to walk from church to church and hope that the experience will bring to all who are taking part a sense of journeying towards God and drawing closer to His love. We are also aiming to raise some funds for Routes to Roots, so if you would like to sponsor us through the secure link on this site (see donate box at the top of this page), you will be passing this direct to Routes to Roots.

We are delighted that each evening St Peter’s Choir will be meeting us at our destination church and will be singing Choral Evensong. It should be a real treat both for the Choir and hopefully for those who come to the services.

We are extremely grateful to the churches who are so generously hosting us over the days of our journey and we hope and pray that they too will find this an enjoyable experience. We look forward to meeting with you in August and to starting the ‘holiday’ part of the year with a real celebration of our faith.

With every blessing
St Peter’s Youth Group and Choir

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Rob FishIt is with great sadness that we say goodbye this week to Rob Fish. Rob has been with Routes To Roots since January 2007 as Outreach Worker and has always been such a fantastic and encouraging figure.

To download the full size version of the montage below, just click on the image.

If you would like to leave a message for Rob, please do comment on this post and we will pass the message on.

We would like to take the opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU to Rob and we pray for every blessing as he moves on.

Montage of Rob Fish

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What a fantastic job RGL Displays did for the R2R Open House 2010!
Rob Russell at RGL produced some great display panels and large-scale photo shots which they very generously donated free of charge. RGL has continued to support us by updating our display panels in 2012.

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Once again a round up of donations received from you generous people out there:

  • Canford Magna group of churches – £200
  • Abbey Life – £33.46
  • St Mary’s Longfleet/Harry Green Trust Fund – £3011.18
  • In memoriam for Andy – £500
  • Christ Church Creekmoor – £150
  • Oddfellows Norton Western Branch – £100
  • Poole Vineyard Church – £300

We are very grateful for your kindness towards Routes to Roots and the people with whom we work.

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In May 2011 we received a whopping £1293.63 as a result of Gift Aid.

So, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do let us know if any donations you make or membership fees that you pay can be ‘Gift Aided’. It doesn’t cost you anything and it does make a very real difference to us and the work we can do.

Thank you all for your continuing support in these difficult times – God Bless.

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Christmas Lunch was enjoyed by fifteen guys and gals. Our thanks to Eddie and Sue Goodall who cooked the meal and of course to all those who helped with the food preparation and on the day.  ASDA in Poole very generously supplied all the food for the occasion. Thank you ASDA.