Tag Archives: Routes to Roots

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P8 2014FridayWalkofWitness3
Routes to Roots’ clients, staff and volunteers participated in Poole’s Walk of Witness on Good Friday. This culminated at Skinner St URC with a short service outside the church, after which all gathered in the hall for tea and hot cross buns.
Afterwards the R2R group joined together in the parlour to hold a short, very moving service remembering our friends who have passed away.
The Walk of Witness regularly takes place in Poole – as in other towns across the UK – and it is encouraged for Christians of different traditions and different denominations to cast their differences aside for a day to take the message of Christianity to the High Street in a special way. Over 200 participated this year with church leaders joined by The Mayor and Mayoress of Poole, Cllr and Mrs Philip Eades.

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Routes to Roots, in association with The Fisherman Café and for a short period The Kings Arms, has again been able to provide a much needed hot breakfast to rough sleepers over the winter months. This year the service ran from the end of November 2013 to the beginning of April 2014, a shorter period of 18 weeks in comparison to 21 weeks last year when the weather in April was severe.

In that shorter period, the number of individuals assisted has risen to 40, the average number of rough sleepers per week accessing the service has increased by 33% and the number of breakfasts claimed has risen by 38%, 826 breakfasts over 18 weeks compared with 604 breakfasts over 21 weeks – indicating an increasing need amongst our clients. 

Pictured here is one of our rough sleepers. Routes to Roots is grateful to The Fisherman Café, The Kings Arms and to all those funders who have made it possible to make this service available to rough sleepers. This proves a real lifeline to our clients.

When asked why it was important to have a cooked breakfast, another R2R client, Paul Ford said “five nights out of seven there is only cold food available – it gives you one hot meal a day at least – some nights can be rough and it’s good to get camaraderie back – it does lift you after a crap night”. Paul was recently housed in emergency accommodation and whilst he was delighted with this, one thing he did miss was having the hot breakfast and the opportunity to catch up with mates. 

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R2R Helping Hands
R2R in partnership with Bournemouth Churches Housing Organisation delivered outreach services (POST) to rough sleepers in Poole from 2009 until April 2014 when Poole and Bournemouth Borough Councils jointly contracted with another organisation, CRI, to deliver this service across the whole conurbation.

Dear Sarah, Mark & Gabi
Just wanted to thank you and all those that have worked for POST over the past few years. The commitment, time and energy you have given to rough sleeper group in Poole is very much recognised and appreciated. There are too many individuals to name that have benefited from the support and assistance the service has helped to change and turn individual lives around. I’m sure they will also extend thanks.
The service has helped to significantly engage and influence a range of stakeholders, provide person-centred support in a multi-agency setting, to a complex group which is difficult to achieve, let alone sustain. Although there is much work still to do, the council recognises the progress made by the service in recent years (& is appreciative of your cooperation with CRI in the handover).
Thank you again and I’m sure there will be opportunities to work together in the future.
Ben Tomlin
Housing Services Manager
Housing and Community Services, Borough of Poole

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R2R Registration CertificateRoutes to Roots is delighted to announce that its application for Charitable Incorporated Organisation status was accepted by the Charity Commissioners on 26 February 2014. Routes to Roots (Poole) CIO has been entered onto the Register of Charities with the Registered Charity Number 1155945.

Routes to Roots (R2R) has operated in Poole for 14 years and registered as a charity in 2002. Throughout this time, the charity has evolved, formalised its governance and initiated various activities to meet its aims. As a CIO, Routes to Roots will be able to own property, employ staff and enter into other contracts in its own name rather than in the names of the Trustees. CIO status will give greater stability as the charity looks to the future.

R2R in partnership with Bournemouth Churches Housing Organisation has been delivering outreach services (POST) to rough sleepers in Poole since 2009. Poole and Bournemouth Borough Councils have now jointly contracted with another organisation, CRI, to deliver this service across the whole conurbation. R2R has, therefore, taken the opportunity to review its core activities, resulting in a greater emphasis on the new projects and programmes that R2R has been introducing in recent years.

The charity feels that this is a great opportunity for it to concentrate on actions that will promote the reintegration of rough sleepers, vulnerably housed people and the newly homed into society. Specifically, R2R will continue with its twice weekly Evening and Afternoon Drop-Ins at Skinner Street URC, its thriving Holton Lee Outdoor Project and Winter Hot Breakfast provision for rough sleepers. In addition the charity will recruit a Projects Co-Ordinator to plan and implement further projects and activities aimed at helping its clients move back into ‘normal’ society by providing support, guidance and skills training.

The Revd Pat Southgate, Chair of Routes to Roots (Poole) CIO and Chaplain to the Homeless in Poole, comments: “This is an exciting time for us as an organisation and we hope our revised focus will result in continually improving outcomes for our clients. We know from the sad news of five recent deaths among our client community that years of rough sleeping take their toll on the health and self worth of people. We have wanted for some time to devote more of our efforts to ending the recycling of homelessness by supporting people even after they are accommodated with both practical help, such as helping them learn how to cook and manage their money, and with motivational opportunities that teach teamwork, and develop self-confidence and employable skills.

“Getting people off the streets is only the start of what will always be a long and difficult journey. Without ongoing help it is unlikely that many will be able to rebuild their lives and keep their accommodation. Our future work will be an important support mechanism along the way.”

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Helen, a Routes to Roots member, recently told us how a dinner guest spotted and read through the Autumn R2R newsletter featuring the Big Breakfast appeal. At close of dinner he asked firstly for everyone’s attention and secondly for £3.50 each as tribute for their hostess’ lovely food – to buy a hot breakfast for a rough sleeper. As a result Helen handed over £21 for six breakfasts. What a great idea!

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BMarathon2 2013In October 2013 Routes to Roots added a large quantity of suitable clothing to our supplies by collecting tops and trousers discarded by runners at the start of the Bournemouth Marathon.
BMarathon6 2013GSI Events, organisers of the Bournemouth Marathon Festival, invited R2R to collect clothing left at the start pens by some 6,000 runners in the half-marathon and full marathon. This involved a pre-dawn start for the volunteer collectors, wearing hi-viz vests, who picked up and then sorted numerous bags of clothing. In addition £37.50 was added to our funds from selling unwanted items to Cash for Clothes – this was immediately used to buy storage equipment for the space kindly donated us by our supporter Big Yellow. Many thanks to our R2R volunteers, staff and family members, students from Bournemouth University.

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Halifax Pirates and ParrotPirates flocked to Poole in October when staff at Halifax Bank, Falkland Square held a charity auction at the branch to raise money for Routes to Roots.Among the reprobates at the pirate-themed fun day were Gabi (below) and Liz from R2R.Halifax Pirate Among the prizes on offer were two tickets to a home AFC Bournemouth match, a family boat trip around Brownsea Island and meals out at top local restaurants. Money-raising activities also included a cake stand, face painting, tombola and second hand bookstall.

Halifax staff have chosen R2R as their charity for the year. They donated £363.70 in February 2014.